• sadada이(가) 업데이트를 게시했습니다 3 년, 5 개월 전

    With so many packing materials and shipping containers available, why would wood be the best to use? There are a few reasons why wooden boxes and crates could be considered better than cardboard boxes-they are stronger, longer-lasting, and eco-friendly. Made of either lumber, plywood or engineered wood, these boxes and crates are an excellent way to transport any household item from one place to the next. This guide will explain the benefits of using wood boxes as an eco-friendly alternative to cardboard and plastic. Wood is a natural resource that is not only more environmentally conscious than man-made material but looks better as well. Read why using wood is the way to go when packing up and moving away.

    Wood is stronger than cardboard

    Bottom-line, wood boxes and crates can carry more weight than cardboard containers and provides more protection. While cardboard is a thin pasteboard made of heavy-duty paper wood is a hard, fibrous substance made of tree bark and branches that will hold up. A hard material like wood is more durable and will withstand more stress than a softer substance. This can easily be seen by the difference in wet wood and moist cardboard. While wet wood will only become damp, wet cardboard will eventually soften and tear.