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    WHO and its partners recommend the use of auto-disable syringes, “bundled” with the supply of vaccines when donor dollars are used, in all mass immunization campaigns, and also strongly advocate their use in routine immunization programmes. Because of the relatively high price of auto-disable syringes, WHO’s Technical Network for Logistics in Health recommends that activities be initiated to encourage the transfer of production technology for these syringes as a means of promoting their use and enhancing access to the technology. The present article examines factors influencing technology transfer, including feasibility, corporate interest, cost, quality assurance, intellectual property considerations, and probable time frames for implementation. Technology transfer activities are likely to be complex and difficult, and may not result in lower prices for syringes. Guidelines are offered on technology transfer initiatives for auto-disable syringes to ensure the quality of the product, the reliability of the supply, and the feasibility of the technology transfer activity itself.

    UNICEF is working to buy 1 billion syringes by the end of 2021 for COVID-19 vaccination efforts in countries participating in the COVAX Facility. Although the vaccines secured by the Facility may vary in their formulation and storage requirements, the syringes will all be of the auto-disable (AD) type, approved by the World Health Organization.

    AD syringes are recommended for immunization programmes because they are designed to prevent re-use by locking automatically after a single use. They are the best way of ensuring that people receive their shots safely, without a risk of contracting an infection due to contaminated needles. The AD syringes bought for this immense operation are similar to those routinely procured and delivered by UNICEF for the vaccination of children worldwide.

    Joint efforts for safe injection

    Until a few decades ago, children were vaccinated using safety syringe, which exposed them to the risk of transmission of bloodborne diseases like Hepatitis B and HIV. “Sometimes, these used syringes were resold and reused, and we have encountered instances of children using them as toys”, tells Robin Nandy, UNICEF Chief of Immunization.

    According to a study sponsored by WHO in 2014, up to 1.7 million people contracted hepatitis B, up to 315 000 with hepatitis C, and 33,800 with HIV through unsafe injections.

    The situation started to improve in 1999, when UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) jointly called for the improvement in injection safety standards. In a statement, the organizations noted that AD syringes were already available and affordable and declared that they should be the device of choice for administering vaccines in both routine services and during mass campaigns.